Ahoy there, ahoy, we are (almost) castaways

The Start to Something (I Hope) Wonderful

I'm Cayddrick {Cedric} Dell'Oraschwietz...Ced or Mr. C. for short, 

In all honesty, I have never built a boat before, and I have no clue what I am getting myself into. Notwithstanding, my desire for owning a boat has been nagging me ever since I was not selected to participate in my elementary school's cardboard regatta. As I stood there on the banks watching the other kids with their fathers float down or sink into the river, laughing all the way, I made a promise to myself that one day I would float down the river. Therefore, twenty-plus years later, I am finally going to build the boat I have always wanted, and I have located the plans I need.

Plans Chosen & Ordered

After scouring several designs of simple boats on paper, I came upon Mark Van Abbema's website. Immediately I fell in love with Mark's designs. He has several boat designs, even a smaller version of the one I chose. However, under the old notion of "Go Big or Go Home," I have decided to build his Mark V-39, the largest in his fleet of designs. 

And so it begins,

Having ordered the plans from Duckwork's Boat Builders Supply,  it was a bit surprising to learn the boat plans are coming from Mark. Considering that he offers payment directly through his website, I was thinking of ordering directly from him. However, after looking at some forums and sending emails, not much activity has been done lately, it seems.

In light of this, hopefully, in the next few days or weeks (since an ETA isn't known at this time) I will be able to have a Gentleman's Cocktail and read through this beautiful small yacht's plans.

My grandmother always said, "Any challenge worth its salt should be tough." There is no pretense or illusion that this project will be easy, and I am not looking for it to be so,  but I am determined to conquer it.

I will try to update the web page every Saturday or Monday, depending on if any progress is made during that week.


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