Pretty Quiet for Now with the Plans

Where Do We Go From Here? 

Well, this is not the post I wanted to make today. I really hoped that today I would be saying I recieved the plans, and am gathering a few materials, however,  this is kind of what I was worried about, when I hadn't seen a recent post from Mark in the forums, but I thought that if his website is still up and he is taking paypal, surely he just left the forums. 

So, I have reached out to Mark regarding his design, both in the woodenboat forums, as it says in the forums he was recently there in September of last year...nothing. I also emailed him at both of his emails emails, each time contacting him was basically just asking if 1.) There was any estimated time of the plans coming, as all I recieved from Duckworth was that they had sent out an e-mail to him to ship the plans and.....nothing  2.) If it was possible to make the bottom of this boat V-Shaped, like his V28 design, as according to his website he says it pounds pretty hard in a chop,  also nothing. Nothing, absolutely nothing. 

The only person who has really interacted with me is Brad, the builder of the beautiful Leah Gent, who was kind enough to give me additional methods of trying to find him. Unfortunantly, his plans where plans destroyed during his build. 

So, pretty frustrated at the moment, Althougth the staff at Duckworks seem pretty nice. They have responded to all of my emails, and are helping to locate mark. My question is why is Duckworks selling the plans saying they have them, in stock, when they do not have them physically in stock. I could understand if on their website they would say something to the effect that they will be ordered from the designer. Or, they should either get a copy of the plans themselves and not have to email it out to the designers. 

But it isn't all DuckWorks fault, Mark shares in this as well. Why have website, that even at the time of this writing is still up and running, and apparently taking payments. if you no longer want to be a part/ or cannot sell the plans in a more timely manner. 

While I cannot say I have the patience of a saint, I do understand life gets in the way of many things, but at the least if you are selling something, as from time to time I do in ebay, surely you could at least respond with something, just "Hey got your order, will be sending soon!" or "Hey, I will be out of service for (insert timeframe), but as soon as I get back I will complete your order. Communication goes a long way, but to have no response at all is a bit frustrating. My hope is that all is fine, with Mark, and I really do love his boat plan, I hope he is just unplugged from it all. But who knows.

I am going to try one more way, the snail mail way of sending a letter to address listed on his website, who knows maybe I will get a hit. If not, I will be looking for other boats similar to this, haven't really had any luck with both the ease and style as this one but who know there maybe one out there. 



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