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Setting Sail Anew: The Motor Vessel Quest Update

Ahoy, fellow enthusiasts! It's been a spell since we last connected, back in March of the previous year when I first laid my hands on the blueprints. I'm here with an update - and, as with most tales of adventure, there's a mix of good news and, well, not-so-good news to share. The good part first: Yes, the plans I've eagerly awaited did land in my possession. However, there's a catch. Those plans, upon inspection, seemed to be missing a piece or two. Naturally, I tried reaching out to Mark for clarification and more details. Now, here comes the not-so-good part. Mark, for some reason, decided to go radio silent on me. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that I finally managed to re-establish contact. And what did I discover? Lo and behold, the plans had been complete all along. They had simply been enlarged, and some of the page reference numbers didn't quite make it through the resizing process. With that hiccup now safely behind me, I'm all set to embark

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Pretty Quiet for Now with the Plans

Ahoy there, ahoy, we are (almost) castaways